
I'm currently at the KDE Platform Sprint, where we (a bunch of KDE developers) 
are discussing how to move on with the KDE platform.
This includes some things regarding cmake.
When we introduced cmake in KDE, there were not that many other free projects 
using cmake, so our cmake extensions was added to kdelibs, so all users of 
kdelibs have it available.
The situation has changed in the last 5 years, and now more and more projects 
"before" kdelibs are using cmake, and they'd like to have some of those things 
available too.

So there is a string wish to get some of our cmake stuff upstreamed, some 
parts up into cmake, and some parts only half way up.

So what I'm doing now is I'll write for each wish we have an email here, and 
it would be nice if you could check whether whether each one sounds reasonable 
or not.

I am here at the sprint until Tuesday, so until then I'll have basically 4 
full days to work on the stuff. After that it'll be again only one or two 
hours in the evenings...

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