2012/6/14 Daniel Pfeifer <dan...@pfeifer-mail.de>:
> 2012/6/14 David Cole <david.c...@kitware.com>:
>> Sounds awesome to me!
>> When can you submit a patch? :-)
> Thanks for the motivation! While I would like to contribute a patch, I
> have absolutely no idea where to start.
> Should it go to cmAddExecutableCommand.cxx and
> cmAddLibraryCommand.cxx? Or rather directly to the generator(s)?
> Given that the required changes are probably very small (the
> implementation that I linked above is less than 100 lines of CMake
> code), it is maybe more effort for you to get me started than it is to
> implement it... :-)


did you decide whether you want to implement that feature by yourself
or give me an introduction to the CMake architecture?

Where can I find more help? I am a little lost between global and
local generators.

cheers, Daniel

>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Daniel Pfeifer <dan...@pfeifer-mail.de>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In a private mailing with Dave Abrahams and Brad King I wrote a
>>> proposal of how I imagine PCH support should be implemented. Brad
>>> asked me to send it to this list for further discussion.
>>> Please note that even though I use present tense in the proposal,
>>> nothing descibed below is implemented yet.
>>> We have a similar implementation for PCH [1], but the interface
>>> differs to this proposal.
>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/ryppl/ryppl/blob/develop/cmake/Modules/RypplPrecompileHeader.cmake
>>> cheers, Daniel
>>> CMakeLists.txt changes
>>> ----------------------
>>> There are new target properties PRECOMPILE_HEADER and
>>> PRECOMPILE_HEADER_<config>. These properties may be set to a list of
>>> header files:
>>>  <boost/spirit/karma.hpp>
>>>  "my/precompiled/header.h"
>>>  )
>>> changes to source files
>>> -----------------------
>>> None. All source files should be written as if there was no PCH
>>> support. That means that each file should include all the headers it
>>> requires. Nothing more, nothing less.
>>> That especially means that source files should *NOT* include an
>>> "all.h", "precompile.h", or "stdafx.h" file. Nothing breaks if they
>>> do, but it may impact compile times if precompiled headers are not
>>> supported.
>>> file(s) to precompile
>>> ---------------------
>>> Special header files that contain all the system headers may be
>>> created and added to the PRECOMPILE_HEADER property. However, the
>>> system headers may also be added directly to PRECOMPILE_HEADER.
>>> If custom files are created, it is important to note that a special
>>> PCH_SUPPORTED guard is *NOT* required.
>>> What is done behind the scenes
>>> ------------------------------
>>> CMake creates the actual header file that is going to be precompiled
>>> during the config step inside the current binary directory. The
>>> complete filename encodes the target name and the configuration (eg.
>>> "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}_${config}_pch.hpp") and
>>> contains one #include directive for each element in the
>>> PRECOMPILE_HEADER/PRECOMPILE_HEADER_<config> list. If the element is
>>> wrapped in angle brackets, it is included unmodified, otherwise the
>>> *absolute path* is used in double quotes. The generated header file
>>> for the above example may look like this:
>>> /* generated by CMake 2.8.x */
>>> #include <boost/spirit/karma.hpp>
>>> #include "/home/daniel/workspace/foo/my/precompiled/header.h"
>>> This header file is compiled before all object files of the target; ie
>>> the object files depend on the compiled header.
>>> MSVC specific
>>> -------------
>>> MSVC requires a source file to compile the header. This source file is
>>> generated by CMake alongside the header file and may be called
>>> <target>_pch.cpp, for example. It contains just one line: an #include
>>> directive that includes the configured header file.
>>> The precompiled header (pch_binary) is created by compiling the source
>>> file (pch_source) with "/Yc\"${pch_header}\" /Fp\"${pch_binary}\"".
>>> For the MSVC IDE, pch_binary might be "$(IntDir)/${target}.pch".
>>> All other source files are compiled with "/Yu\"${pch_header}\"
>>> /FI\"${pch_header}\" /Fp\"${pch_binary}\"".
>>> /Yc = create pch
>>> /Yu = use pch
>>> /FI = force include
>>> /Fp = name pch binary
>>> GCC specific
>>> ------------
>>> In GCC the pch_binary is created by compiling the header file directly
>>> (no extra source file is required). The pch_binary must be
>>> "${pch_header}.pch", there is no way to change that. Here, it pays off
>>> again that we generate the actual pch_header in the binary directory.
>>> The compile flags to compile the header are "-x c++-header" and the
>>> output file must be set with "-o ${pch_binary}"
>>> All the other source files are compiled with "-include ${pch_header}"
>>> (force include), it may also be a good idea to pass "-Winvalid-pch".
>>> --
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