The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                Andy Piper
Assigned To:                
Project:                    CMake
Issue ID:                   13451
Category:                   Modules
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             2012-08-02 12:03 EDT
Last Modified:              2012-08-02 12:03 EDT
Summary:                    RPMs created with CPackRPM.cmake should not include
non-empty directories in their contents-list
I am building RPM packages using the CPackRPM.cmake module. The RPMs have a
default install prefix of "/opt/mycompany" and have been made relocatable like

    set(CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX "/opt/mycompany")

The RPMs are relocatable because they are being installed into custom locations
(using the --prefix option) by non-root users who have private RPM databases
(see section 4 of
This setup will allow us to install different versions of our components for
development and maintenance work on a single machine, as required.

When attempting to install our RPMs to custom locations as a non-root user using
a command like this:

    rpm -ivh --prefix=/home/andy/workspace/myproject/contrib \
        --dbpath=/home/andy/workspace/myproject/contrib/rpmdb \

...the following error was reported:

    error: unpacking of archive failed on file /opt: cpio: chmod failed -
Operation not permitted

But I wasn't installing the RPM to /opt! So I looked at the content-list of the
RPM created using CPackRPM.cmake (using "less <rpm-package>"), and saw that it
began with:


(FYI, The path "/opt/mycompany" will be replaced by the --prefix option in the
"rpm" command above)

I then looked at at the content-list of another relocatable RPM with the same
default install prefix, but this package had been created by hand using the
"rpmbuild" command and a normal .spec file. The content-list in this RPM began


There were no entries to explicitly create non-empty directories, and this RPM
*could* be installed to non-default locations by non-root users (with their
fancy private RPM databases). This told me that the entries to create non-empty
directories should not be present in the content-list: the RPM package-manager
will handle these directories for you.

This led me towards the "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND find . -type f ...)" call in
CPackRPM.cmake which populates the content-list for the RPM being built. This
command was searching from the "build root" directory (".") and was including
non-empty directories in its output. After changing the search to start at the
install-prefix directory ("./${CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX}") and ignoring
non-empty directories, the RPM-installation issue was resolved.

So the fix is to change the "find" command from this:

    find . -type f -o -type l -o (-type d -a -not -name ".")

to this:

    find ./${CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX} -type f -o -type l -o (-type d -a
-not -name "." -a -empty)

I have attached a patch with this fix.

Steps to Reproduce: 
Build any RPM using CPackRPM.cmake and examine the file-list using "less
<rpm-package>". The content-list will begin with a series of one or more
non-empty directories, when it should begin with the first file (or
intentionally empty directory)

Additional Information: 
Fix has been tested on SLES 11.2 and OpenSUSE 12.1

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2012-08-02 12:03 Andy Piper     New Issue                                    
2012-08-02 12:03 Andy Piper     File Added: CPackRPM.cmake.patch                


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