On 8/3/2012 5:30 PM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com> writes:


As for your first option, a "zero-impact wrapper", what do you
envision would be the benefits?

[I'm not the OP]

Something I sorely miss on CMake is a way to express algorithms in a
clear way and to process large amounts of data efficiently.

For an example that could benefit from a cleaner and more expressive
language, see function explicit_map_components_to_libraries in


On the same project, there was several perl scripts that I'll like to
implement on CMake (and hence drop the Perl requirement.) Those scripts
walked through all defined and referenced symbols on all libraries on
the project for creating library dependencies. On another instance, a
similar taks would be performed on Visual C++ for creating .def files
and dll's. On both cases I stumbled on the language's lack of
expresiveness, minimal support for data structures and on an apparent
O(n^2) time complexity on some list operations (including the append
operation, IIRC)

So, we have talked about this at Kitware some recently and came up with a gradual approach that should work.

1. Add lua to cmake as a command. Something like cmake -E tar, but cmake -E lua. This would mean that lua would always be something you could count on having with cmake.

2. Add a simple integration into the cmake language that lets you evaluate lua inside a cmake file. Something like eval_lua("...").

3. If 1 and 2 go well, investigate binding the cmake commands into lua. (LuaCMake)

With this approach there would be benefit to the whole cmake community from Lua. You would not have to convert your project to LuaCMake (3) to take advantage of more expressive language. You could just eval some lua statements in an existing large cmake project. I would not want to fork cmake into lua cmake and cmake cmake, but this path forward would avoid that.

All that said, we do not at the moment have funding for such a project at Kitware.



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