The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                Bill Stouder-Studenmund
Assigned To:                
Project:                    CMake
Issue ID:                   13487
Category:                   CMake
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             2012-08-22 16:31 EDT
Last Modified:              2012-08-22 16:31 EDT
Summary:                    CMake can't make kexts
CMake can build targets which are apps, but it can't make kexts (kernel
modules). Fix isn't hard.

Additional Information: 
I have gotten CMake to generate kexts that work. The issue that MUST be fixed
in-code is that kexts have an extension of ".kext" while OS X bundles currently
are hard-coded to be ".app".

As a work-around, my CMakeLists.txt has:

      set(SLE System/Library/Extensions)
      install(TARGETS myKext BUNDLE DESTINATION /${SLE} )
      install(CODE "file(RENAME ${DSTROOT}/${SLE}/

I don't know how to fix this, but I suggest two new target properties for an OS
X bundle:

   MACOSX_BUNDLE_EXTENSION      # defaults to "app"
   MACOSX_BUNDLE_TYPE                # type in the Info.plist, defaults to

Generating a kext did also require some custom link options:

      set_target_properties(myKext PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)
      set_target_properties(myKext PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Xlinker -kext

but these were achievable within the existing set of settings. I also am not
sure exactly which of those are needed; my project has been updated over time
and may not use the recommended starting settings. Also, we mix C and C++

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2012-08-22 16:31 Bill Stouder-StudenmundNew Issue                               


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