On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

> On 10/25/2012 6:06 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
>> I have just discovered an extremely simple test case of the whole
> We have already found the problem and have an even smaller test case.
> cat info.cmake
> file(STRINGS a.exe _strings LIMIT_COUNT 4 REGEX "INFO:")
> foreach(info ${_strings})
>  message(STATUS "[${info}]")
> endforeach()
> Build the CMake test case into a.exe like this:
> gfortran CMakeFortranCompilerABI.F
> Then run cmake -P info.cmake,
> It should print this:
> -- [INFO:compiler[GNU]INFO:platform[]]
> If not it is broken and will not detect the compiler correctly.

Bill, are you sure you meant CMakeFortranCompilerABI.F?
I get something like this
INFO:sizeof_dptr[8]ABI Detection
no matter what I do, even on native Linux with /usr/bin/gfortran.

The other file, CMakeFortranCompilerId.F, should give the compiler/platform.  
Is that the one you meant?


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