The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                Craig Scott
Assigned To:                
Project:                    CMake
Issue ID:                   14141
Category:                   CMake
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             2013-05-14 20:12 EDT
Last Modified:              2013-05-14 20:12 EDT
Summary:                    file(UPLOAD ....) fails with scp protocol using keys
When using the file(UPLOAD .....) command with a destination url which specifies
the scp protocol, it fails with an ambiguous error message. I've attached a
small example script which triggers the problem for me every time, but the
important line is one like this:

file(UPLOAD someFileToUpload.txt
     TIMEOUT 5
     STATUS uploadResult
     LOG uploadLog

 An example of the output follows:

  About to connect() to somehost.somedomain port 22

    Trying connected

  Connected to somehost.somedomain ( port 22

  SSH authentication methods available: publickey

  Using ssh public key file /home/myusername/.ssh/

  Using ssh private key file /home/myusername/.ssh/id_dsa

  Initialized SSH public key authentication

  Authentication complete

  SSH CONNECT phase done

  failed waiting for ACK

  Connection to host
somehost.somedomain left intact

  Error in the SSH layer

  Closing connection

The "failed waiting for ACK" error is pretty non-specific. A quick bit of
googling suggests that this is a fairly generic error which could have various
causes, but since no further information is provided and there's nothing in the
logs on the server after authentication succeeds, I can't get any more info on
what the underlying problem is. I've tried various combinations of host names
and target directory paths, but always the same problem. Removing the username
part from the url leads to authentication failure (as you'd expect). Using the
sftp:// protocol fails as well, with the "failed waiting for ACK" message
replaced with:

  Upload failed: Operation failed (4/-31)

If you try the exact same scp operation using curl at the command line, it
succeeds. CMake is using libcurl under the covers and when I built cmake, I told
it to use the system-supplied libcurl. This suggests that CMake is doing
something wrong with how it is passing information to libcurl since the same
operation when performed at the command line with curl directly works fine.

Steps to Reproduce: 
1. Ensure private/public keys are set up and working (test with ssh at a command

2. Process the attached file with cmake using a command like the following:

   cmake -P uploadFails.cmake
NOTE: You could also embed similar commands in a real CMakeLists.txt file, but
you get similar results.

3. Confirm that the equivalent operation can be performed successfully using
curl at the command line. Eg:

   curl -v -T uploadFails.cmake scp://myusername@somehost.somedomain/~/

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2013-05-14 20:12 Craig Scott    New Issue                                    
2013-05-14 20:12 Craig Scott    File Added: uploadFails.cmake                   



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