

Ok for the name...

Is it ok for you if I use the same topic and to update the unit tests
call it, so that this function is tested as well, even though this
updating the existing calls to ExternalProject_Add?

Existing calls to ExternalProject_Add must continue to work as they were before your topic. As long as you leave *most* of them alone for testing purposes, you should be ok. Ideally, for new functionality you would write a new part of the test, with new calls to ExternalProject_Add that test your new pieces.

ExternalProject_Add is a tricky one, though, because adding many calls to it can significantly increase the time required to run the test.

What you don't want to do is change *all* of them and accidentally *require* everyone to update their code to work with the new version of CMake.

i.e. -- don't let a backwards compatibility break go unnoticed by changing all the tests at the same time that you change underlying CMake functionality.



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