Hi Adrian,

> I have encountered problems installing cmake 3.3.1 on our CentOS release
> 6.6 cluster.  It builds fine but when I come to install I get this error:
> file INSTALL cannot copy file ... (this is for the copyright file).

I wasn't able to reproduce this error.  Using CentOS 6.6:

[chuck.atkins@urras v3.3.1]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
[chuck.atkins@urras v3.3.1]$ CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/bin/g++
FC=/usr/bin/gfortran ../../source/v3.3.1/bootstrap --parallel=16
[chuck.atkins@urras v3.3.1]$ make -j16
[100%] Built target ctest
[chuck.atkins@urras v3.3.1]$ make install
-- Installing:
[chuck.atkins@urras v3.3.1]$

> Note, I'm using gcc 4.8.0

While not really part of your question it is worth noting, when building in
multi-compiler environments, you usually want to build CMake with the
system compiler, i.e., /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++, since that will
determine the runtime dependencies of CMake, which in this case is gcc/g++
4.4.  Regardless of what you build CMake with, it can use and generate
build files for any supported compiler of you choosing.  So, in other
words, if you build it with the system GCC, you can then load the gcc/4.8.0
module (or however you choose it in your cluster's environment), and run
the built-with-system-compiler cmake to configure and generate projects for
your currently loaded environment.

> but some of the system tools and libraries are quite old.

If you don't specify explicitly, then CMake will use it's own versions of
dependencies and statically link them into bin/cmake so that shouldn't be a

I am install into a user directory that I have the correct permissions
> to install in.  It does create the file but the file is empty and the
> install terminates.
> ...
> Any idea what's going wrong with the build/install?

Is the location you are trying to install it to on a network file system
(i.e. NFS, Lustre, GPFS, PANFS, etc.)?  If so, network file systems are
often obtusely problematic for builds and installs due to the various low
level timing and synchronization problems associated with them.  If you
have access to a local file system on the node you are compiling and
installing on (maybe some place in /tmp, or /dev/shm), try to use that for
the build and install, then just copy the resulting installation folder to
the final destination on the network file system.

- Chuck

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