The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                Marcus D. Hanwell
Assigned To:                Robert Maynard
Project:                    CMake
Issue ID:                   15971
Category:                   CMake
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Date Submitted:             2016-02-11 14:52 EST
Last Modified:              2016-02-11 14:52 EST
Summary:                    CMake alias resolution appears to be inconsistently
The Tomviz project extends ParaView, and uses a number of imported targets. Some
of these come from VTK, others come from ParaView. When migrating to Qt 5 we hit
a strange bug where the Qt 5 interface library aliases were not getting expanded
unless we explicitly added them to the target_link_libraries line. Printing them
out all the libraries were found, but the link line had -lQt5::Help etc. It
looks like the Qt5::Widgets alias was the only one resolved.

If I switch the order of finding ParaView and finding Qt5 around everything
worked. If I find ParaView first, then Qt 5 it fails at linking, unless I add
all of the libraries to the target_link_libraries, in which case it resolved
them and the link step succeeded. This seems very inconsistent to me, perhaps it
is intended for for reason due to the order in which you resolve aliases? It
took something that was fairly resilient to call order previously and made it
more brittle in our project.

Additional Information:
shows the commit I am hoping will make this consistent everywhere. If aliases
make this strict ordering necessary that was not evident to me.

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2016-02-11 14:52 Marcus D. HanwellNew Issue                                    
2016-02-11 14:52 Marcus D. HanwellStatus                   new => assigned     
2016-02-11 14:52 Marcus D. HanwellAssigned To               => Robert Maynard  


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