On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com> wrote:

> On 09/08/2016 10:15 AM, Craig Scott wrote:
> > adding a DEPENDS_ON_SUCCESS test property or something similar
> > which would implement the perhaps more intuitive behaviour of not
> > running dependent tests when a dependee fails. If that was done,
> > then implementing the "don't run fixture tests if any fixture
> > setup fails" logic would be trivial.
> The semantics of this will have to be carefully though out, in
> particular with respect to enabling test dependencies.  Right now
> ctest arguments like -E can exclude tests.  What if those are
> dependencies of included tests?
> I think if we introduce the notion of tests requiring other tests
> then a new model of test selection and enablement needs to be
> designed.  Some kind of test DAG could be defined with various
> roots and subgraphs being selectable an causing all reachable
> tests to be included.

While I can see potential merit, I'd be reluctant to go so far as adding
the complexity of a test DAG. One of the attractive things about the
current functionality is its simplicity. It's relatively easy for new
developers to learn how to use it and I'm keen to preserve that as much as
possible, since it helps with adoption of CTest and CMake in general.

Indeed, in the more general case, if we added a DEPENDS_ON_SUCCESS test
property then we would have to work through how to handle situations where
dependee tests were not in the initial test set to be executed. I think
this might be less clear cut than I initially thought, so I'm tending to
back away from this as a general feature now. For the case of test fixtures
though, the semantics are very clear and would be well defined, since one
of the primary purposes of fixtures is to bring in setup and cleanup tests
which might not have been part of the initial test set. If no-one objects,
I'll have a crack at adding the required functionality to my fixtures
branch so that regular tests are skipped if setup tests fail (i.e. as per
the latest set of requirements that were proposed on this list a few days
ago) and I'll do so without adding a new DEPENDS_ON_SUCCESS test property.
That will limit the new functionality just to fixtures where the required
behaviour is well defined.

Craig Scott
Melbourne, Australia

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