On 2016-10-22 07:44+0100 Sascha Cunz wrote:

Compilers know exactly where the header files are through
include_directories or the equivalent target PROPERTY so why can't
automoc find those same header files using similar logic?

In short: Because you really do not want automoc to do that.

A bit longer; highlighting the semantic problem:

The following applies to targets that you define as well as the external ones. 
The external one that you certainly can’t skip is QtCore, so I’ll explain it in 
terms of Qt5::Core.

By adding Qt5::Core to your target’s dependencies at least one -I option is 
added to the compiler, so it knows where to find Qt5 Core’s header files. At 
the same time you might have a subdirectory in your source tree that contains 
some of your header files that you also want to be searched, so you add i.e. 
“target_include_directories(MyTgt ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/FooModule)”. Now, the 
list of include directories for MyTgt contains two entries: Qt5::Core’s headers 
and FooModule. They are not distinguishable by any means. The question now is: 
How should automoc know which files you want to run through moc and which files 

There are actually 3+1 scenarios now:

1. qcoreapplication.h - If you run automoc on that file, your target ends up 
defining the meta data for QCoreApplication, which is inefficient and will 
either lead to undefined behaviour or on most platforms to linker errors.
Independent of the technical things below, the decision to run or not run such 
headers through moc seems to be impossible to automate - One would need to 
either white or black list the directories used / not used for automoc.

2. FooModule/file1.h, which is included from file1.cpp in MyTgt - You might 
want to run that through moc, but actually only in the case that the compiler 
is building MyTgt. If the compiler is building another one of your targets that 
happens to require this include path, you end up the same as in case 1 above.

3. FooModule/file2.h, which does not have a corresponding .cpp file in MyTgt - 
(if this was on the system level: for example, not all files in /usr/include 
belong to the same project) This will lead to unresolved symbols in MyTgt (on 
most platforms) and the inability to actually execute MyTgt, unless it is 
linked against the library that actually contains the .cpp file (on all 

Then there is even more obscure cases:
4. Imagine the files x/x.cpp and x/public/x.hpp (Both belonging to target X). 
Now, someone decides that the target Y (with code in y/) doesn’t need all the 
code in target X but just that one class. So, they add the file x/x.cpp to 
target X and target Y. If x/x.cpp contains the line “#include “public/x.hpp”, 
then target Y doesn’t even need the -I for x/public. How should automoc figure 
out that the file needs to be run through moc anyway?

And even longer with a bit of historic and technical background and focus on 
the technical problem:

The automoc concept and original implementation had been developed for the KDE 
project. IIRC, the original purpose was to speed up compilation by reducing the 
absolute number of translation units (i.e. number of .cpp files == number of 
compiler runs == number of linker inputs). This was achieved by two mechanism:

A) All header files that contained Q_OBJECT/GADGET are collected and run 
through moc, but the results of that were not added as translation units but 
rather were #include’ed in _one_ translation unit, which then was added to the 

b) All source files that contained Q_OBJECT/GADGET needed to include the 
“<name>.moc” file - if such an include was spotted, the .cpp file itself was 
run through moc.

This tool was implemented outside of cmake and integrated into the build system 
as an additional target, on which the consuming target had a dependency. Much 
later, it was integrated into cmake, keeping this concept for various reasons.

Now back to the cmake implementation of automoc: When automoc is enabled for 
target T, cmake will add an additional target to the build - let’s call it TAM. 
T has a dependency on TAM, so TAM is always build _before_ T even starts to 
scan for its dependencies (in makefile based builds). Note that some generators 
don’t even have the requirement to scan for dependencies at compile time (i.e. 
MSBuild / Visual Studio does that by itself).
Scanning for dependencies is basically: “Run the preprocessor and tell me what 
files it would read if it were to do the actual work, then create a file with 
rules to describe these dependencies”.

Because when the cmake generator is run, it can’t actually know if there are 
indeed files that need to run through moc, it unconditionally adds the 
moc_T.cpp file to T (This is a problem for my current customer, because they 
have 500 targets where automoc is enabled based on whether Qt5::Core is a 
dependency or not - but only about 100 of these targets need automoc in the 
first place and it happens that Qt5::Core is a very low level dependency for 
them). The moc outputs that are #include’ed don’t need to be added to the 
The problem here is, that once a target is created in CMake, you can’t add any 
files to it. So this has to be done that way.

Since the TAM target is build before T’s “scan for dependencies”, automoc can’t 
know what files _exactly_ are included in the project (unless given through 
add_executable/add_library). This makes an informed automatic decision in the 
above cases 3 and 4 practically impossible. And for case 1, this means: We’d 
actually have to consider _all_ files in _all_ -I directories, possibly 
including /usr/include and /usr/local/include.

So, what we’re left with is the actual command lines to the compiler, the 
include paths as defined in CMakeLists.txts. This _could_ be used to solve the 
case 2. But such a solution would be very error prone and still leaves case 1 
to be sorted out somehow.

Hi Sascha:

I accept what you have said, and I very much appreciate your attempt
to educate me (and others here) in these C++/Qt/moc technical
considerations.  Therefore, subject to some minor corrections such as
the subsequent one by Craig Scott I strongly urge you to put this
essential background information into the CMake FAQ so it is not lost
in the large traffic on this list.

I’ve read the cmake-qt(7) section about automoc several times now. I can’t 
actually figure out anything inside it that is plain _wrong_. However, I would 
suggest to change the documentation to:

        The AUTOMOC target property controls whether cmake(1) inspects the C++ 
header and implementation
        files in the target to determine if they require moc to be run, and to 
create rules to execute moc at the
        appropriate time.

        Note that it is recommended to explicitly list header files when 
declaring a target with add_executable
        or add_library - even though this is only required when header and 
corresponding implementation file
        are in different directories. {1}

That statement is not true in complete generality so I would suggest
the addition of the following qualifier

"Note that it is recommended" ==> "Note that to assure consideration for moc processing it is recommended"

Also, it sounds from your footnote 1 that you would prefer not to have
all the details here about the exact rules for identifying the header
files to be scanned so I would suggest the following addition to the
above paragraph.

When the header is in the same directory as the C++ implementation
file there are additional possibilities for identifying it for
consideration for moc processing, see the automoc documentation.

And then the automoc documentation should be updated with those
same-directory possibilities clearly stated.

        moc needs to be run, if:
        - A Q_OBJECT or Q_GADGET macro is found in a header file. In this case, 
the result will be put into
        into a file named according to moc_<basename>.cpp. Multiple moc outputs 
generated that way will
        be added to the target as one translation unit.

        - The macro is found in a C++ implementation file. Following the Qt 
conventions, moc output will be
        put into a file named according to <basename>.moc.
        The implementation file may optionally use a preprocessor #include to 
include the .moc file (This is
        typically done at the end of the file). If such an include is omitted, 
the .moc file will also be added to
        the aforementioned translation unit.

        Generated moc_*.cpp and *.moc files are placed in the build directory 
so it is convenient to set the
        CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR variable. {2}

        The moc command line will consume the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and 
        target properties from the target it is being invoked for, and for the 
appropriate build configuration.

        The AUTOMOC target property may be pre-set for all following targets by 
setting the
        CMAKE_AUTOMOC variable. The AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS target property may be 
        to set options to pass to moc. The CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS variable 
may be populated
        to pre-set the options for all following targets.

{1} I’d consider this too generic for _that_ part of the
documentation, but it could be added: "Header files that are in the same
directory as their implementation file will be automatically added to
the target”.
{2} Maybe this should actually be changed to “so it might be required
to set”

Assuming you have no strong objections to the above further changes,
then I plan to wrap up our joint cmake-qt documentation changes into git
format-patch form for the convenience of the CMake developers here.
And I also plan to work on the automoc documentation using similar
language to what you have used above in the cmake-qt case with some
additions about the same-directory possibilities for identifying
headers that should moc'ed.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

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