Alexander Neundorf wrote:
some thoughts to the new INSTALL command: -with the old INSTALL commands the paths were always interpreted relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. At least I got used to writing "/bin", "/lib" etc. I.e. that the install dir always starts with a "/", so that "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}" gives the absolute target directory. Now it is very nice that one can specify different install paths with the new INSTALL command. But in order to be installed relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, now "bin" and "lib" have to be used instead of "/bin" and "/lib". Just because people are used to start the path with a "/" I think this may lead to problems for many people where stuff is suddenly installed to /bin and /lib instead of ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/[bin|lib]. Maybe it would be better to have two different arguments, "DESTINATION" and "ABS_DESTINATION" or something like this.

New people learning CMake will just use the new INSTALL command and learn the new interface. Current users that change to the INSTALL command will probably do so to use some of its features and will thus have read the documentation. A few people might mistakenly install things to the wrong place the first time they write the call to the command but will quickly discover the mistake and fix it. I don't want to skrew with the nice new interface to save a few people 5 minutes of debugging. I always thought the old interface's leading slash was both confusing and unnecessary anyway which is why the new interface does not have it.

-it is not possible to set the owner and group, at least I didn't find it -how about a INSTALL( [REMOVE|REMOVE_DIR] ...) to remove files during installation ?

I've updated the generic install feature request bug entry with these:

For now you should be able to use the INSTALL(SCRIPT) mode to run whatever you want. CMAKE_COMMAND is now available from these scripts.

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