jolinda wrote:
Just to check, I've made the littlest cmakelists.txt file I can that shows
the problem. Here it is in it's entirety:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(MyProject WIN32 file2.cpp )
LINK_DIRECTORIES( "d:/dcmtk-3.5.3" )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyProject dcmdata.lib)

If I build a project for Visual Studio 7 using CMake 1.8, I see the
following under the debug Win32 configuration in MyProject.vcproj.cmake:

That does not add the link directories before the target.  Try this:

LINK_DIRECTORIES( "d:/dcmtk-3.5.3" )
ADD_EXECUTABLE(MyProject WIN32 file2.cpp )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyProject dcmdata.lib)

Now the MyProject executable will have the given set of link directories. You can also do this:

ADD_EXECUTABLE(MyProject WIN32 file2.cpp )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyProject d:/dcmtk-3.5.3/dcmdata.lib)

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