On 4/19/06, Moreland, Kenneth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > And UseLATEX.cmake build dvi. I don't know how to tell
> > him to don't
> > > > build dvi files.
> > >
> > > Build the pdf target (make pdf).  That will use pdflatex.
> >
> > It doesn't work here.
> >
> > ~/tmp/PFE % make pdf
> > Building image files for ps documents.
> > -- Check for working C compiler: gcc
> > -- Check for working C compiler: gcc -- works <snip>
> >
> > I got the same if I do make.
> Oops.  I forgot that the pdf target depends on the dvi.  I had my
> reasons for doing it this way, but I see how it can be a problem.  Let
> me take a look and try to change it to remove that dependency so that
> make pdf will work for you.

Ah cool. :o)

> > > > Also, why is it neccessary to build in another directory
> > than source
> > > > directory ?
> > >
> > > Because UseLATEX.cmake will run configure on your .tex files.  That
> > > is, it will replace all occurrences of the form @VARIABLE@ with the
> > > CMake variable VARIABLE.  If this causes problems, you can
> > turn this
> > > feature off.  Anyway, UseLATEX.cmake forces you to build in another
> > > directory to ensure that UseLATEX.cmake does not
> > accidentally clobber your files.
> >
> > How could I do that (tell cmake to build if source is the
> > same directory as build one) ?
> This is not a CMake issue.  CMake usually lets you make the source and
> build directories the same, although now this is considered bad style.

We use a SCM so that does the trick ;)

> It's UseLATEX.cmake that forces you to make the source and build
> directories differently because the targets it generates will not work
> correctly otherwise.  There is no way to get around that when you are
> using UseLATEX.cmake.
> In general, whenever you use CMake it is better to have the build happen
> somewhere other than the source directory (a so-called "out-of-source"
> build).  It makes it easy to wipe out a build to start over or to have
> multiple builds with different options against the same source.  To make
> building easier, I usually add a little script called "makeme" to the
> source directory that simply runs make in the build directory.  In fact,
> I make this so much I have another script that builds the makeme
> scripts.

Ok, I see, it's reasonnable.

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