Lin, Lan wrote:
I have a strange problem for configuring ITK using CMake. This has been done successfully before I reinstall the windows system. Today I try to do this, but there is a problem. I use CMake 2.2.3-win32, and ITK toolkit2.4.0.

Here is what I do. I put ITK in the src folder, and select src folder in GUI of CMake. The binary folder is selected also. Then I choose Visual 6 as my compiler. After press configuration button, it starts to configure ITK. But the program stops at somewhere that is looking for pow. I wait for more than 5 minutes. It seems the CMake is not responding. I stop it. When I run CMake again, it stops at another place. I do not know what the problem is.

I vaguely recall someone mentioning this before, but I've never been able to reproduce it. I think VS6 is getting stuck and CMake blocks waiting for it. Next time it happens bring up the task manager and look for "cmake", "cmakesetup", and "msdev" processes. Is any of them doing anything? Try killing the msdev process and see if CMake continues. Also look for the files CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log somewhere in your build tree (either at the top or in the CMakeFiles subdirectory). See if either log mentions something about the test on which it got stuck.

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