On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 14:40:24 -0400
Brad King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Xavier Delannoy wrote:
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I use cmake 2.3 (KDE release).
> > I'm not able to force /MD in release build and /MDd in debug build. here is 
> > how I proceed: 
> > 
> > in my CMakeLists.txt
> > 
> > IF(WIN32)
> >     SET(PLATFORM_C_FLAGS "/W3 /MD /O2 /Gs")
> >     SET(PLATFORM_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "/W3 /MDd /Zi /Od")
> > ENDIF(WIN32)
> > 
> [snip]
> > whereas .vcproj file doesn't use my CFLAGS ;( ;(
> [snip]
> >                                 Optimization="2"
> >                                 RuntimeLibrary="0"
> >                                 WarningLevel="3"
> Is this a C or C++ project file?  If it is C++ you need to use 

It's a C project.

> -Brad

Xavier Delannoy

R&D engineer
Tél : +33 320 619 742
Fax : +33 320 619 639

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