Brad King wrote:
Reggie Burnett wrote:
Brad King wrote:

Reggie Burnett wrote:

I've discovered the problem. the cmakelists.txt files, as they sit on my system, have lowercase names. When I change them to mixed case (CMakeLists.txt), they work. Given that Windows is not case sensitive, this is baffling. I have had SFU installed on this system and it did prompt during install if I wanted to make a system change allowing for case sensitivity but now I can't find any info on turning that off. Any ideas?

Windows filesystems are case-insensitive but CMake's internal tables that track files called "CMakeLists.txt" are case-sensitive.

Perhaps that's something that should be rethought?

The files must be called "CMakeLists.txt" and nothing else. On case sensitive file systems it makes a big difference.

Sure. I understand the binary attempting to open only files named CMakeLists.txt but I guess without a better understanding of how cmake does it's work internally, I don't understand the purpose of storing the filenames verbatim in some internal tables. I would think that once the files are opened for reading and the contents read, that the binary could use any type of marker (directory name for example) to map config file to project. However, like I said, I don't know enough about how cmake works internally to be sure.

Thanks for the responses.


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