To clarify, I'm not proposing the existing cmake language be
disbanded or thrown away.  I think cmake is a compelling and complete
piece of software as it is, and perhaps a majority of the (existing)
users would not be interested in writing build scripts in another

All I'm suggesting is that if a library were built as part of the cmake
build that drew a nice line between language parsing and makefile
generation, then people like me who constantly want to hack stuff up 
and try stuff out would be able to do so at a level higher than cmake
and in a complimentary and cooperative way.  If the existing built-in cmake 
language parser used that interface it would maintain itself.

This is different than the Lua proposition, because I'm taking a more
conservative path... I don't know that picking a language and shoving
it into cmake is the right way to go. 

> A bunch of gratuitous compartmentalization is gonna slow them
> down... unless they were already planning on doing that kind of
> separation anyways.

Whether such a separation is "gratuitous compartmentalization" or is
"correct architecture" is not a question I know the answer to yet.
I'm sure the folks who wrote the stuff (and tirelessly maintain it)
do.  If the concensus is the former then I'll shut up and continue to
use (and advocate) cmake as it is.

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