Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
What I really want is a simple text substitution macro, of the form:

${VALID_CHICKEN} ${Chicken_SOURCE_DIR}/${root}.scm -output-file ${Chicken_BINARY_DIR}/${root}.c ${CHICKEN_FLAGS})
If there's no way to perform a simple text substitution on a custom build rule's COMMAND line, then that's really really irritating. I already had to expand out all my build rules into explicit ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND statements, because only DEPENDS works on source-file-to-source-file dependencies.

Try using FOREACH:

FOREACH(root batch-driver ...)
   OUTPUT ${Chicken_BINARY_DIR}/${root}.c
   MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${root}.scm
   DEPENDS parameters.scm
COMMAND ${VALID_CHICKEN} ${Chicken_SOURCE_DIR}/${root}.scm -output-file ${Chicken_BINARY_DIR}/${root}.c ${CHICKEN_FLAGS}

> ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES is useless for that purpose.

The ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES macro has a horrible name and was not well documented or intentionally added to the release. It is meant only for the deprecated OBJECT_DEPENDS target property. Please ignore its existence. I'm going to try to get it removed completely in 2.4.3 since it was not in the 2.2 release.

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