Lloyd Hilaiel wrote:
> Yo Thomas,
> We use cmake to build a large project (10 or so different SDKs).
> In our case, we too wanted a cmakebuild tool, so we wrote one.
> It wraps the native build tools with a higher level of commands
> "build debug" "build release" "run tests" "package SDKs" etc.
> Some of the commands for this build tool are very specific to our
> product and our problems others are perhaps generalizable.  I had 
> never thought this was something that cmake would provide, as I as a 
> developer usually use native build tools directly, while the consumers
> of our software use the lightweight wrapper to build our stuff.
> As an interim solution you could provide a similar tool for people
> consuming KDE, and perhaps while writing the tool it would crystallize
> a set of features that would go into a generic "cmakebuild" tool.
> I'm still curious if there's enough there in the universal appeal bucket
> to make a general tool out of it, and am not familiar with what
> features/code cmake (ctest) already have built in to facilitate this.
> I would be willing to contrast our "cmakebuild" tool with what you
> come up with to try to identify the overlap and sketch out the
> commands of such a general tool as an experiment...
> best,
> lloyd

There is always ccmake and cmakeseup. Another option is to create a tool
called "cconfigure" for those who like configure scripts. That shouldn't
be to hard to implement. cconfigure --help would show the same options
as ccmake:
$ ./cconfigure --help
--cmake_build_type       Choose the type of build, options are: ...
--cmake_install_prefix   Install path prefix, prepended onto install

--cmake_verbose_makefile If this value is on, makefiles will be
                         generated ...
[more options]

$ ./configure --cmake_build_type=release --cmake_install_prefix=/usr
  --cmake_verbose_make_file=true ~/projects/my_project
$ make
$ make install

Filipe Sousa

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