Patrick Noffke a écrit :
On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 02:39:29 +0930, Philippe Poilbarbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Within CMakeList.txt files, is there a way to know which compiler dependant files have to be distributed along with the application.
It may be different depending on the compiler used (and the build type).

Your best bet is to create a windows installer package. The redistribution of the CRT on windows has gotten ugly lately (have a look in C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS on an XP box). I'm sure there's some sense behind it, but it's not just a simple matter of throwing the dlls in your apps install directory. Visual Studio provides merge modules for the CRT, and it is straightforward to include these in your installer using something like WiX (

In cmake, use an IF (WIN32) statement to see if you're on windows. If so, then build your windows installer package. WiX can be run from the command line, and if you like I can give you further pointers on how I am using it from within cmake.


I'll do a mix from your answer and the one from Jan Woetzel. In fact I
did not see the
InstallRequiredSystemLibraries module.
For our application we don't use WiX but InstallBuilder which generates
packages for every target platform (and not only windows).


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