Brad King wrote:
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
Can a CMake script invoked with

 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P myscript.cmake

return a value?  I don't really want to use stdout.  I need that for
status messages.  I could regex the stdout to extract a decorated
string, but that's bletcherous.  What I want is to do something like
RETURN(${value}) and have RESULT_VARIABLE pick it up.
I realized a further problem, that ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET can't have EXECUTE_PROCESS in them.  They can only
call scripts, and the scripts do not return values.  So, there's no way
to directly return a value from a script to a build rule.

If you just need to know whether there was an error, have the script
exit with MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR ...) in the error case.

No I wanted a value.

  Otherwise you can
add a feature request for an EXIT command or something like it.  There
is actually no reason that the same set of commands needs to be
available in project mode and script mode, so we could just add
scripting-specific commands like EXIT when needed.

Hmm, true.  Ok I'll add a feature request.  There are actually 2 requests: an EXIT(value) that other CMake scripts can pick up, and a way to retain state between COMMANDs in an ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND that does not require writing files.

Brandon Van Every

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