Von: Brad King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > Attached is a first try of a patch against 2.4 branch.
> > It introduces two new variables CMAKE_CREATE_PREPROCESS_RULES and
> CMAKE_CREATE_ASSEMBLE_RULES. I think especially the name
> CMAKE_CREATE_ASSEMBLE_RULES is not good (since actually everything except 
> assembling is done).
> > The created files are named foo.o.E and foo.o.S (was easier than to
> replace the suffix.
> > I know only the compiler switches for gcc, so I added them only in
> gcc.cmake.
> I've committed changes similar to those in your patch to add this
> feature.  The rules are always added and just print a message that they
> are not implemented if a given platform does not provide the rule
> variables.

Thank you very much :-)
I didn't have a look at it yet.
Does "always" mean they are always created, i.e. they can't be disabled at all ?
This would probably increase the cmake time for big projects for everybody 
which might cause complaints.



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