Yann Renard wrote:
> I'm trying to use cmake under windows in order to generate VC8
> makefiles. I have read
> http://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Generator_Specific_Information chapter about
> windows and written down a sript that looks like this :
> set path=d:\yrenard\platform-sdk\bin;%path%
> set include=d:\yrenard\platform-sdk\include;%include%
> set lib=d:yrenard\platform-sdk\lib;%lib%
> call "d:\visual studio 8\vc\vcvarsall.bat"

Did you follow these instructions?


You need to point the VS IDE at your PSDK installation.

Even if the environment is setup in the command prompt the VS IDE has
its own settings.  The instructions on that CMake Wiki page are for
using NMake Makefiles from the command prompt, not the project file

You should also start with an empty build tree each time you test.  Note
that running "cmake ." in a build tree from a command prompt will just
use the generator selected the first time you created the tree.

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