Benjamin Reed wrote:
On 9/11/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You'd have to trace through everything to see what's ultimately used. I
didn't mean, "Endianness checks in CMake are implemented directly with
TRY_RUN."  Nor indirectly; I have no idea.  I meant, "Conceptually, an
Endinanness check must be implemented by compiling and running code."
Either that or the compiler correctly defines the Endinanness for you
somehow, and you query it somehow.

Right; but what I'm saying is that conceptually, endianness checking
at configure time fails for universal binaries; because you're only
going to be right for the platform you're building on, not necessarily
the multiple platforms you're targetting.

When I build a universal binary, a single "gcc -o" command creates
multiple architecture binaries at the same time, encapsulated into a
single binary object.

Hrm. I wanted to say that CMake should treat a Universal binary as multiple targets. But if gcc treats them as a single target, that's not possible. Sticky wicket. Suppress Endian checks on MacOS X?

Brandon Van Every

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