Kai Sterker wrote:
> But cmake cannot find the headers, (or libraries in /usr/local/lib),
> because it does know nothing about the UNIX-like structure of MSYS.
> So the problem is not that there is something wrong when running cmake
> from a MSYS shell instead of a Windows command prompt. It behaves
> exactly the same as far as I can tell. The "problem" is that it could
> do better in a MSYS development environment than it currently does, by
> taking the unixish nature of MSYS into account.

I'm not sure this is a bug.  The msys prefix has special meaning only
for some native msys tools.  The fact that you have chosen to install
other things there is no different than installing them in
c:/my/random/path (I think, but I'm not an MSYS expert).  Anyway it is
worth discussing as this may be a common practice so we might want to
add the msys prefix to all the default search paths when using the MSYS
Makefiles generator.

Please submit a feature request here:


Final discussion can take place there.  Please make sure the word "FIND"
appears in the bug summary.

For now you can solve this by setting up CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH in your MSYS shell's environment to point at
c:/msys/1.0/usr/local/include and c:/msys/1.0/usr/local/lib.  Then CMake
will be able to find everything.

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