Weiguang Guan wrote:
Hi Bill,

Thank you so much. Here I confirm that your guess is right. I paste part of the output below. Is there a workaround?

"C:\Program Files\CMake 2.4\bin\cmake.exe" -HZ:\visualization\software\buildWin\libraries\ thirdParty\VTK\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp -BZ:\visualization\software\buildWin\libraries\thirdParty\VTK\C
MakeFiles\CMakeTmp --check-build-system CMakeFiles\Makefile.cmake 0
-- Check for CL compiler version
-- Check for CL compiler version - 1400
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler - no
-- Check CL platform
-- Check CL platform - 64 bit ================= (*** see this line ***)
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe -- broke n
Can you send me the CMakeOutput.log file? It should tell us why the 32 bit stuff failed.


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