-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum:  Thu, 07 Dec 2006 17:50:12 -0500
Von: Darby J Van Uitert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: cmake@cmake.org
Betreff:  [CMake] combining projects

> Hi,
> I have a current project building under CMake which has multiple parts 
> that I want to keep separate.  It has a group of core libraries, and 
> then an application with a gui that is separate--very similar to the 
> Insight Toolkit and Insight Applications except for they are in the same 
> repository and source tree. Currently, I build the core libraries by 
> pointing CMake to the top level of my source tree, and then separately 
> build the gui part by pointing CMake to a child directory 
> (src/Dataflow). Is it possible to allow the top level CMake file to give 
> users the option to build core and the gui? I thought it would be just a 
> matter of making a SUBDIRS call to the src/Dataflow/CMakeLists.txt file 
> directory but that didn't work off the bat.  What is involved in making 
> this transition?

What didn't work ?

I think if you avoid using CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR and instead 
use the PROJECT_ variants it should work already better. You also probably have 
to make sure that you don't have multiple targets with the same name.


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