I'm an idiot.. that solved it.. Thanks.. Just used to a different naming scheme 
and the eye sees one thing and the mind sees something else.. 

Thanks for being the extra set of eyes that I needed. You guys rock.

Mike Jackson

-----Original Message-----
From:   David Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 12/12/2006 1:11 PM
To:     Mike Jackson
Cc:     Christian Ehrlicher; cmake@cmake.org
Subject:        Re: [CMake] Copying Files on Windows

All of the dll files in your listing begin with "Qt" -- all of the .a files
begin with "libQt" -- if you want to copy the dll files, use the exact name
of the dll files as input... So. Begin them with "Qt" and not "libQt"...

Is it Monday?

On 12/12/06, Mike Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK.. I guess I am just new to this whole software development thing and
> computer thing.. those 8 years are just NOT paying off..
> I built Qt.. All of Qt.. Every Single Bit of Qt. this INCLUDES the
> libQt*.dll files. The files are there. I built them. I installed them. I can
> see them from Windows Explorer. The files are there.. Granted I did not have
> the naming correct in the first post but now everything except the "/" seems
> correct. I have NO control over how CMake puts the path separators in.
> Let's take a step back from this for a sec. I re-read the "Mastering
> CMake" book section that deals with this. From what I can gather there are
> two possibilities here.
> I am wrong and I still don't have a clue (Most likely)
> CMake doesn't support the copying under mingw makefiles. (Least likely)
> Here is the directory listing for my Qt Build. Which was built with MinGW.
>    Directory:
> Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Developer\SDKs\qt-4.2.2\lib
> Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
> ----                -------------     ------ ----
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM      18700 libQtAssistantClient4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM    1728682 libQtCore4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM    2018498 libQtDesigner4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:10 PM      12636 libQtDesignerComponents4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM    6324386 libQtGui4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM       4622 libqtmain.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     304072 libQtNetwork4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:03 PM     153046 libQtOpenGL4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM     290158 libQtSql4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM      77426 libQtSvg4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM      40066 libQtTest4.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM    1010752 libQtUiTools.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM    6821400 libQtUiToolsd.a
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM     342170 libQtXml4.a
> -a---        12/12/2006   1:06 PM       4060 more.txt
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM        696 QtAssistantClient.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM      43008 QtAssistantClient4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM        661 QtAssistantClientd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:52 PM        775 QtCore.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM    1889792 QtCore4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:52 PM        740 QtCored.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM        706 QtDesigner.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM    1823232 QtDesigner4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM        738 QtDesignerComponents.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:10 PM    1785344 QtDesignerComponents4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM        703 QtDesignerComponentsd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM        671 QtDesignerd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM        766 QtGui.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM    7656960 QtGui4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM        731 QtGuid.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM        817 qtmain.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM        782 qtmaind.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        778 QtNetwork.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     463872 QtNetwork4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        743 QtNetworkd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        782 QtOpenGL.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:03 PM     242688 QtOpenGL4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        747 QtOpenGLd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        766 QtSql.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM     605696 QtSql4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        731 QtSqld.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        766 QtSvg.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     353280 QtSvg4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        731 QtSvgd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        677 QtTest.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM      74240 QtTest4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        642 QtTestd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        740 QtUiTools.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        708 QtUiToolsd.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM        766 QtXml.prl
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM     319488 QtXml4.dll
> -a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM        731 QtXmld.prl
> -a---        11/27/2006   6:11 PM         76 README
> I hope that helps clear up what I have on my system.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Christian Ehrlicher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:   Tue 12/12/2006 12:55 PM
> To:     cmake@cmake.org
> Cc:     Mike Jackson
> Subject:        Re: [CMake] Copying Files on Windows
> Mike Jackson schrieb:
> > Wow.. couldn't see the forest for the trees on that one.. So I changed
> the Cmake code a bit..
> >  #-- If we are on MinGW then copy the required libraries
> >  IF (MINGW)
> >       #=== Copy in the Qt Libs===
> >       SET (QTLIBS
> >               libQtCore4.dll
> >               libQtGui4.dll
> >       )
> >   FOREACH (depLib ${QTLIBS})
> >               ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (
> >                       TARGET A2BinGui
> >                       POST_BUILD
> >                       COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
> >                       ARGS -E copy ${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}/${depLib}
> >       )
> >   ENDFOREACH (depLib)
> >
> > but I still get the same error.
> > Error copying file "C:/Developer/SDKs/qt-4.2.2/lib/libQtCore4.dll" to
> "C:/Workspace/a2bin/Build/Bin/"
> >
> > I have verified that the initial file is where the path says it is..
> >
> No - there is also no libQtCore4.dll on windows... why don't you use the
> cmake vars for this as I asked earlier?
> Christian
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