
CPack has support for so called "movable" package (movable = prefix independant, unmovable = prefix prepended to install path), but it's hardcoded to movable one.

from Source/CPack/cmCPackGenericGenerator.cxx

bool movable = true;
  if ( movable )
    // Make sure there is no destdir
    std::string destDir = "DESTDIR=";
    destDir += tempInstallDirectory;

It should not be that difficult to add a CPackConfig.cmake entry describing this behavior. For the time being you can try to force movable to false and see if it works
(from what I read, it should, but I dont have time to test it).

I will not have time to look deeper into this before (at least) a week, so I hope
it'll be sufficient...


Le Thu, 11 Jan 2007 22:20:41 +0100, Alan W. Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

For cmake-2.4.6 (and also previous versions), "make package" generates a
compressed file of nul characters, e.g.,

gunzip -c plplot-5.7.1-Linux.tar.gz |od -a
0000000 nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul nul

This bad result apparently occurs because the PLplot project must
(necessarily) use absolute install locations. The workaround for us is to use "make DESTDIR=/tmp/staging install" followed by the appropriate zip or tar command. When this issue was previously discussed on list, Bill Hoffman suggested that cmake could switch to the DESTDIR method internally so that "make package" would always work regardless of whether the install locations
were absolute or relative.

Bill, what is the status of this fix? Do you have an implementation I can
test to help insure the fix will get into the next release of CMake?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the Yorick front-end to PLplot (yplot.sf.net); the
Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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