Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

Well I figured out the paths to the .OBJ files. Note they're coming out as .OBJ files on Windows, both for MinGW and for MSVC. When I dump my .OBJ file absolute pathnames into ADD_LIBRARY, CMakeSetup complains that "the source file doesn't exist," because of course they haven't been built yet. I tried SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${theobjs}PROPERTIES GENERATED true), but it doesn't suppress the error. I don't think that function thinks they're source files. Says it tried just about every extension, except the .obj and .o extensions I might actually be interested in.
Not sure, must be something wrong in your script. The following works with nmake and gmake with cl, and works on linux.

add_library(foo foo.c)
 ${obj_files} PROPERTIES GENERATED true)
add_library(bar ${obj_files})
set_target_properties(bar PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)
add_dependencies(bar foo)


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