On Monday 26 March 2007 01:49:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Pascal,
>   wow, thank you for your response - that helped a lot!
Happy to hear it :-)

> After some struggles, I got it to register one test, and to execute it.
> Great. But, if I add two tests, both get registered, but only one gets
> executed ... therefore twice though.

The testrunner.cpp you use does not seem to select the appropriate test. CTest 
runs a test in calling the test runner with the name of the test to run. I 
have this 

  Test* test_to_run = registry.makeTest();
  if (argc>1)
        test_to_run = test_to_run->findTest(argv[1]);

This is so because you will have one executable, containing all tests, so that 
all get registered. This is normal. But with this selection, only the 
appropriate tet should be picked, and run. 

But your tests are registered *twice* with this:


Once with your name, and once with a CppUnit selected name, which I bet, is 
S1CUTest as well. The findTest() call will surely find both of them.

If you remove the first Registration line, I guess it should solve yur current 

That starts to be off-topic on this CMake list, so either we move it to the 
CppUnit list, or you can contact me directly. 

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