What page in the book...?

Try "LESS" instead of "less" (note the capital letters)

CMake is only semi-case-insensitive -- it used to be all uppercase all
the time. Lots of folks didn't like it, so the CMake guys made the
CMake *commands* work regardless of case, but some command args (like
LESS for the IF command) are still case sensitive.

CMake variable names are also case sensitive...

And ask qeuestions on the mailing list. Even if they seem silly. That
way everybody can benefit from the discussion. If you have the
question, somebody else will be wondering that same thing...

Good luck,

The following example taken from the book
generates errors. I suspect the error is
caused by the fact that the value of foo
is changed before the else statement is
evaluated. Am I correct or is something
else going on?


set (foo 1)

IF (${foo} less 2)
  set (foo 2)
ELSE (${foo} less 2)
  set (foo 3)
ENDIF (${foo} less 2)

CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
IF had incorrect arguments: ${foo} less 2 (Unknown arguments specified).
Current CMake stack: 
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
ELSE An ELSE command was found outside of a proper IF ENDIF structure. Or its 
arguments did not match the opening IF command.
Current CMake stack: 

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