Alan W. Irwin wrote:
On 2007-05-02 17:49-0500 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
I am trying to fix kdesdk's broken attempt to link to subversion (it croaks when apr is not in a standard include path). I *do* have apr-config accessible so I can use that to get the right paths, but I'm having some trouble parsing --link-ld. Specifically, I am trying to iterate over each option and set LIBRARIES or LIB_PATHS as appropriate. Unfortunately this means I have to do something to split the single string into arguments, and I would /prefer/ for it to do proper shell splitting just in case an arg has a space in it.

Is there a "right" way to do this? Or is there a better way to get LIBRARIES and LIB_PATHS from apr-config? (Note: while apr-config is found, pkg-config apr is not, so I can't use pkg-config :-(.)

I assume that apr-config generates command-line results for the Apache
Runtime Library similar to what pkg-config does in general.  If that
assumption is correct, then to parse the apr-config output you should follow what is done in FindPkgConfig.cmake (a replacement for UsePkgConfig.cmake in
CMake cvs, but not released yet).  I don't know the implementation details
in FindPkgConfig.cmake, but I do know the pkg_check_modules macro in that
module file delivers nicely parsed (and complete) pkg-config results.

I don't have FindPkgConfig.cmake handy, but UsePkgConfig.cmake uses 'pkgconfig --variable' which is not supported by apr-config. So I think I still have the same problem, how to take a string that might look like '-lfoo -lbar -L"foo bar/thelib"' and split it into '-lfoo', '-lbar' and '-L"foo bar/thelib". From there I can use STRING to strip the flag and SET/LIST to build the needed variables.

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