
> >     SET (CMAKE_SYSTEM_INFO_FILE Windows-Freescale-HC12)
> I wouldn't call the file "Windows-Freescale-HC12", it sounds 
> like it's a compiler for Windows

Ah, OK, but this was on your advice from a previous email (unless I

I'll use "Freescale-HC12"

> > It is shame I can't specify this as a relative path to 
> > CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, a lot less typing for the users as in my case I'd 
> > like this to be "../toolchain".
> Can't specify what ? 
> Giving the toolchain file as path relativ to you binary dir 
> works here.
> $ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../sdcc-mcs51.cmake .. 

Not the toolchain file, the CMAKE_CMODULE_PATH, if this is a relative
path this won't work when CMake starts changing directories.

The nicest solution would be for it to fallback to an ennvironment

> >     INCLUDE ("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Windows-Freescale-HC12-opt.cmake"
> This part is not required, if you include a file with 
> extension then it is interpreted by default as relative to 
> the current source dir.


> > A similar problem occurs in my 
> "Toolchain-Freescale-HC12.cmake" where 
> > I include the platform code based on the system name:
> >
> > ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-Freescale-HC12)
> Is this with current cvs ? I changed some things last 
> thursday so this file will be "configured" into the binary 
> tree and so variables will be replaced with their actual 
> value during the initial cmake invokation. 
> Can you please check ?

I'm using an older dev version, I'll resync now and try again.

> Thanks for testing.

Thanks for the prompt feedback.

 - TrevK
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