Ok thank you very much.
I did try with one slash, but it happened that sometime cmake need two in my

On 7/2/07, James Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try adding some escape slashes: \

"\/\*" or "\\/\\*"

I'm not sure how many escape slashes you need, since CMake tends to
gobble them up (apply them) depending on what you are doing.


Mehdi Rabah wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have really simple problem but I can't find the solution :
>        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "/*" > echo.txt
> )
> With this command, cmake generate, using VERBATIM or not, this text :
> /bin /boot /cdrom /dev /etc /home /initrd /initrd.img /initrd.img.old
> /local_home /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /sbin /srv /sys
> /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old
> What can I do to just echo  "/*" ?
> In command line, I can just type
> cmake -E "/*"
> instead of
> cmake -E /*
> but within a cmake file I don't know how to do it.
> Thanks for any help
> Regards,
> --
> Mehdi Rabah
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