
I had the same problem, but managed to install it using the setup.exe
tool by following the steps described below. However, the simplest
thing to do is just untar it manually into "/" and it should work OK.
The comments below are provided to help diagnose the problem.

I think the problem is that the tar package is not correct, or at
least not setup.exe friendly. If you list the contents of the original
file (tar -tf ...) and the one I got working, the difference is that
the original file doesn't list the directories. That is, the contents

// original tar file

// repackaged tar file (by me: tar -cvf ...)

Apparently, setup.exe doesn't like that.

So to wrap it up, what I did was I untared and re-tared the package.
But then to get setup.exe to accept it as valid I also had to compute
the size and md5 sums of the new file and put these values in the
setup.ini entry for cmake.

Hope this helps,

On 7/27/07, Atwood, Robert C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Similarly, I've downgraded to the previous, whcih seems to work, and used
> that to help build the latest ! That works for now so I can hopefully get on
> with using my itk programs on teh cygwin machien...;
> FYI : I tried it on 2 different machines and on both I got no available
> cmake or ccmake commands upon installing the 2.4.7-1 cygwin package. One has
> winXP-64 and the other has winXP-32
> thanks
> ..
>  ________________________________
>  From: Bill Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Fri 27/07/2007 4:29 PM
> To: Atwood, Robert C
> Cc: cmake@cmake.org
> Subject: Re: [CMake] Cannot seem to use cygwin latest 2.4.7-1?
> Atwood, Robert C wrote:
> > Hi, I installed Cygwin on a new machine intending to use ITK and
> > friends, but I reached a roadblock in that ccmake appears not to
> > exist, despite repeatedly installing and uninstalling, reinstalling
> > etc. the 2.4.7-1 installation. IN fact, selecteing 'source' option
> > does not even give me any source. Do you know what's up?
> >
> I had a similar problem when I tested it, and figured it was something
> local to my cygwin install.   I ended up untaring the cmake tar file by
> hand and it worked.  I have asked for help on the cygwin-apps mailing
> list, and will keep you posted as I find out what is wrong.
> -Bill
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Miguel A. Figueroa Villanueva
+1 787 832-4040 x.3610-4006
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus
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