2007/8/3, Christian Convey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 8/2/07, Eric Noulard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you have trouble with the macro do not hesitate to ask for
> > explanation and/or send patched version either on the list or the wiki
> Thanks.  Could you explain something to me?
> It looks to me like you're supposed to be in the top-level directory
> of a directory tree populated by CMake, right?  That is, the directory
> "x" in the following example:
> mkdir x
> cd x
> ccmake ../my-project-src
> cmake

Yes this is what I expect to have.
After that you should be able to do:

make <PackageName>_rpm
make <PackageName>_srpm

you may check that it has worked properly by:

1) verifying the output of cmake which should show something like:

    -- RPMTools:: Using RPM_ROOTDIR=/home/eric/TSP/builds/tsp_oncrpc/RPM
-- Configuring spec file
</home/eric/TSP/tsp_all/tsp/src/scripts/tsp.spec.in> -->
</home/eric/TSP/build s/tsp_oncrpc/RPM/SPECS/tsp.spec>

with appropriate used PATHNAME replaced by yours.

> And then it looks to me like your UseRPMTools invokes cpack, telling
> cpack to use a file with this name: CPackSourceConfig.cmake  And any
> files that would have been installed via "make install" will end up in
> the resulting .rpm file.

Yes that right.

UseRPMTools adds 2 new make target.
Can you check what is the output of

make help

called in the buid tree root dir?

> But when I do this, I don't find any files named
> CPackSourceConfig.cmake in my build directory ('x').

Did you

INCLUDE(CPack) in your root CMakeLists.txt ?

If yes could you send me the output of cmake ?

> Do I properly understand your macro?

In order to give you a more accurate answer I need to
see you CMakeLists.txt which does the


> And if so, any idea why I'm not
> seeing any CPackSourceConfig.cmake files in my build tree?

Most probably you did not




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