On 8/10/07, Kyle Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to use cmake to build a set of single target projects
> (each project generates either one library or one executable).  I
> understand how to handle dependencies on external packages with the
> <foo>Find.cmake scripts, but I don't know how to deal with internal
> CMake built packages.  There is some kind of magic with a
> <name>Config.cmake that I don't understand.
> Here's a little high-level "use case" scenario to illustrate what I want to 
> do:
> My executable project HelloWorld uses package "MyLibA" directly.  In
> the CMakeLists.txt for HelloWorld I want to simply do something like:
> SET(requiredPackages MyLibA)
> My static library project "MyLibA" uses package "MyLibB" directly.  In
> the CMakeLists.txt for MyLibA I want to simply do something like:
> SET(requiredPackages MyLibB)
> I want cmake to follow the package dependency chain so that my
> HelloWorld executable project gets all the library file names and
> include directories it needs to compile and link.  If I change a file
> in library B and rebuild my executable HelloWorld, I want it to detect
> that it needs to rebuild package "MyLibB" and "MyLibA" and relink my
> executable.
> I'd also like to handle different build types.  If I build my project
> in debug mode, i want it to use the debug versions of all the packages
> it depends on (and not rebuild "release" versions that won't be used).
> Is cmake powerful enough to do this (and make it simple to use)?
> Does the "Mastering CMake" book explain how to do these basic sort of things?

If I understand your questions, the answers are yes, and yes:

CMake does everything you mention, and generally does it very well.

The book is a good read, although this email list is a very helpful supplement.
CMake mailing list

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