> On Wednesday 17 October 2007 20:46, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> > On 10/17/07, Eric Noulard wrote:
> > > 2007/10/17, Pau Garcia i Quiles:
> > > I welcome your patch and will be pleased to give it a try.
> >
> > Obviously, the help in developing and testing is appreciated, but for
> > the particular problem in question the patch is required for the
> > Eclipse plugin.

This is true BUT have a look at the discussion on the cdt-dev mailing
list and you'll see that it may not be as easy as it seems....

At lea

> > There are a few things that need to be worked on in
> > the generator that can be of great help, but I'm not sure that
> > .project/.cproject in the source directory is the right solution. More
> > below...

> >
> > > 2007/10/17, Mike Jackson:
> > > > I agree that there are some conflicting philosophies here. I am a bit
> > > > more practical about this. I just need to get my work done.
> > >
> > > I agree with that too.
> > > I'm pretty sure it's a very good point for CMake to smoothly
> > > support a great CDT4 generator.
> > >
> > > My comment was about the fact that the buggy behavior
> > > of the CDT4 Generator for CVS enabled project should
> > > not be seen as CDT4 generator's fault.
> >
> > Exactly, the bug is in the Eclipse plugin... CMake is just too
> > powerful for it ;)
> >
> > > I am ok with the fact that CDT4 generator should
> > > put it's (.project/.cproject) ouput inside source tree.
> >
> > I'm certainly not, but I'm only the author of the CDT4 generator not a
> > CMake developer ;)
> I can assure you that the cmake developers agree with you, cmake must not
> create files in the source tree when building out-of-source.
> Wasn't there a way to get the cvs/svn stuff working with the eclipse
> generator ?
> E.g. by setting up a project in eclipse for the cvs/svn sources and then
> additionally loading the cmake generated out-of-source eclipse project ?
> I think a good thing would be to document in the cmake wiki how to set this up
> with the cmake generator.
> Alex
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