Baptiste Derongs wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to compile some MPI Fortran programs, so the compiler is mpif90.
So I took the cmake/Tests/Fortran example and just set
CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER. I tried to set it in CMakeLists.txt and
directly in CMakeCache.txt.
I can't make ADD_EXECUTABLE (or ADD_LIBRARY) working, it always send
back an error :

" No rule to make target `mpi.mod.proxy'"

The only solution I found is to compile with 'ADD_EXECUTABLE', but
that is not the best solution.

Is there any other solution ? I call my CMakeLists.txt from a Ctest script.

CMake mailing list

in your comments you probably have something like "use mpi".... this is a bug in cmake it take all the word after use, even if they are in your comment lines.The workaround for the moment, is to replace in all you comment lines use by _use_ (or something similar) then you won't have any issues...
Hope this works,

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