Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 01.11.07 10:49:12, Jesper Eskilson wrote:
>> In any case, the automatic regeneration of project files *does* *not*
>> *work*, and my question was simply if there was a plan for either doing
>> something about it (such as disabling it per default, which would be a
>> sensible thing to do, IMHO), and/or documenting that it is broken.
> So far you're the only one claiming that (in this thread), I suggest to
> come up with a small sample project where changing the CMakeLists.txt
> doesn't trigger a cmake run. If you've got that you can file a bugreport
> against cmake.

Did you actually read my post before replying?

I'm not claiming that cmake does not regenerate the project files. I'm
not claiming that Visual Studio does not reload the projects files. What
I'm claiming is that ***the project files aren't reloaded until the
build already has completed***, meaning that I need to build ***again***
to make sure that the changes to my CMakeLists.txt actually make it into
Visual Studio.

This can be demonstrated with the most trivial of CMakeLists.txt files:

add_executable(foo foo.c)

1. Run CMake
2. Open solution in Visual Studio
3. Build
4. Add a file, say bar.c, to the CMakeLists.txt file
5. Build (this triggeres a cmake rebuild)
6. Build completes, but bar.c is NOT included in the build.
7. Visual Studio asks if I want to reload the project files

I don't think I can make myself clearer than this.

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