On 11/6/07, Nicholas Yue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have a project which is build a library fine with CMake (has
> around 100 source file).
>   ADD_LIBRARY ( mylib STATIC a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp <etc> )
>   The content in b.cpp is relevant to only some platform platform.
>   How do I tell CMake that file b.cpp is only to be include as depends
> of library "mylib" only if a platform string match.
>   I can achieve the desired effect with
>   IF (WIN32)
>   ADD_LIBRARY ( mylib STATIC a.cpp c.cpp <etc>)
>   ELSE (WIN32)
>   ADD_LIBRARY ( mylib STATIC a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp <etc>)
>   ENDIF (WIN32)
>   As there are hundreds of file, I want to avoid duplicating and add
> to maintainence.

Try this:

 SET(b_SOUCE b.cpp)

ADD_LIBRARY ( myLib STATIC a.cpp ${b_SOURCE} c.cpp <etc> )

If you're not on WIN32, then the variable ${b_SOURCE} will be empty.

Salvatore Iovene
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