On Nov 20, 2007 2:59 PM, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2007 2:41 PM, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I think in the real world, Kitware can distribute QtDialog under
> > CMake's license, and Linux distro gatekeepers won't object.
> I would suggest making clear reference to the exception in the
> QtDialog source code.  So that (1) some Linux distro ninny doesn't
> come along later and erroneously "discover that CMake source is in
> non-compliance," and (2) third parties are aware of the additional
> obligations they'll have to fulfill if they want to reuse the QtDialog
> code.

On second thought, before providing such a notice, it's best to get
CMake into that list of license exceptions.
http://trolltech.com/products/qt/gplexception  Otherwise, CMake would
be calling attention to a license condition that, pedantically
speaking, it doesn't fulfill.  A Linux distro pedant could have a
field day with that.  I mean, you might not see it as much of a risk,
but some people don't have enough to do with themselves.  They make
noise about things to feel important and promote their religion.  It
may sound silly, but it's the general tenor of licensing debates, and
it's why they snowball.  Once those debates get started, truth and
fairness aren't what dominate.  Just naive first impressions and FUD.
In the interest of preventing such a debate from ever happening, it's
best not to call attention to anything, until all i's have been dotted
and all t's crossed.

I imagine Kitware could get some kind of approval / authority /
clarity out of Trolltech fairly readily.  They may not be willing to
redraft their current license just to add CMake into it, but they're
probably willing to give Kitware a nice republishable statement that
as far as they're concerned, Kitware fulfills the terms of the GPL

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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