Eric Noulard wrote:

> Yes and No it depends on the CPack generator used
> I think NSIS Generator does not use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX at all
> since NSIS offers you the choice when you run the installer.

Maybe. I'm not sure about that. However, although NSIS does indeed
give you the choice at install time, I still need to remove the
depndence on the absolute path.

> Howevere, I am a poor and relunctant (sometimes forced)
> Windows user so my advice
> concerning windows related usage may well be stupid :=)

I'm in the same position.

> No you can't that's right (unless the CPack generator authorize it like NSIS)
> You may change it at CMake time either using
> or
> SET(MAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "...") in the CMakeLists.txt
> What I meant was
> may be the default value "/usr/local" is not the good choice
> for you and you'll have to change it.

Right, I see now.

> Which CPack generator will you use?

I'm using NSIS, and at least one of TGZ, RPM, or DEB

> Are you using CMake CVS or CMake 2.4.x ?

Cmake 2.4.x - why ? Is the version in CVS better in this area ?


Steve Collyer
Netspinner Ltd
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