2007/12/3, Hendrik Sattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Quoting Oliver Dole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > The problem is that I use pkg-config (and stuff like that) to retrieve
> > my libraries. So CMake does not know wether it is static or shared
> > libraries to use. Nonetheless I have found a workaround thanks to this
> > thread: http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2006-September/011096.html
> > So I have just added the following in my CMakeFiles:
> > Unfortunately I still have a problem, but which is not due to cmake.
> > My application indirectly needs to link with -lgcc_s and I do not have
> > the static library for that, so I get an error :'(
> Why do you try to work around that? Instead, do it properly by using
> find_library:
> pkg_check_modules ( PKGCONFIG_MYPREFIX something )
>    find_library ( ${i}_LIBRARY
>                   NAMES ${i}
>                 )
> endforeach ( i)
> Actually, FindPkgConfig.cmake should be changed to give full paths to
> libraries.
> Also note, that you MUST use the pkgconfig variables for static
> linking, not the ones for dynamic linking (see module help of
> FindPkgConfig)
Ok thanks, I will have a look at this.

> I am sure that somehow this can be made to find only the static libs,
> if not then that should be fixed.
> OTOH, you may want to reconsider if you really want to give your users
> so much pain :-/ RAM is cheap but not available for free.
> Additionally, building a static library does NOT mean that you have to
> link everything statically. You'll regret such a decision sooner or
> later.
Yes I know that static linking has more drawbacks than advantages. A
typical example is that if someone fix a bug in a library my
application is linked with, I will have to rebuild my whole
application to have this fix propagate.
Of course from my point of view static link is only a feature. But if
that can be a real working feature, that's better.

> HS
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