So we've got a fairly sizable amount of code described in the CMake
framework now, about 10 or so libraries, and 4 projects which consume
them.  We're now hitting upon compilation time as an issue, as it takes
much longer than our previous framework did.  I'm wondering what can be
done to speed it up.


My thoughts on the matter are:


*         We're using an NMake build tree, is NMake particularly slow?
Do any of the other makes work more efficiently?

*         Does all the percentage complete processing add a significant
overhead to the build time?

*         It seems to take CMake/NMake a long time to determine that no
work needs to be done.  It can take 20 seconds or longer for all the
dependency targets to be checked, no work to be done, and only then will
the project start compiling.


Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter?  I'd appreciate any ideas
on how to speed this up.


Thanking you,


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