On Tuesday 18 December 2007, Bill Hoffman wrote:
> > Attached is a patch which removes "Y" and "N" from the recognized values
> > for true/false.
> > This patch may break stuff. I don't know if there are many people who
> > rely on "N" and "Y".
> I am sure it will break something....  I don't think we can change it now.

Could it be be done using CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY ?

> James Bigler wrote:
> > I also agree that trying to maintain backwards compatibility to the
> > detriment of the future can become a hinderance.  I just had a collegue
> > who was extreemly frustrated for several hours with why his build didn't
> > work, only to discover that he should have been using ADD_SUBDIRECTORIES
> > instead of SUBDIRS.  There was no warning from CMake stating that he
> > shouldn't be using it (I would argue that CMake should warn about the
> > use of SUBDIRS).
> That would be lots of warnings!  SUBDIRS was the only way to do things
> for a long time.  CMake itself still uses them so it can be bootstrapped
> with older versions of CMake.  SUBDIRS still works, it just works
> different.  The behavior of both are documented.

How about a command line switch --warn-deprecated, when used cmake prints a 
warning for each command which is marked as deprecated ?

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