On Dec 18, 2007 1:06 PM, James Bigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every wrote:
> >
> > include(Modern) would turn on improvements that are
> > clearly desirable but break backwards compatibility.
> >
> > Heh, I wonder if in some instances the opposite would be needed,
> > include(Ancient) !  :-)  Something that either suppresses appeals to
> > modernity, or warns vehemently against them.
> Perhaps this could be enforced by CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY variable.
> If you supply a sufficiently modern version of cmake, then deprecated things 
> will turn on
> warnings/errors.  If you set the version lower, then features that were not 
> deprecated at
> that version wouldn't issue warnings.

How about include(ForwardsCompatibility).  That would make the intent
really clear.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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